tag:support.fancyforce.com,2015-09-01:/discussions/questions/244-how-do-you-place-other-characters-on-a-i-pad Happy Wheels: Discussion 2016-10-30T21:13:14Z tag:support.fancyforce.com,2015-09-01:Comment/41114422 2016-10-30T21:07:40Z 2016-10-30T21:07:42Z How do you place other characters on a i pad <div><p>I am playing on a i pad and I want to place other charachters</p></div> Victor tag:support.fancyforce.com,2015-09-01:Comment/41114422 2016-10-30T21:13:12Z 2016-10-30T21:13:14Z How do you place other characters on a i pad <div><p>I am playing on a i pad. And want to place other charachters</p></div> Victor